MolluscaBase source details

Michelotti, G. (1847). Description des fossiles des terrains miocènes de l'Italie septentrionale. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. ser. 2, 3(2): 1-408, 17 pls.
Michelotti, G.
Description des fossiles des terrains miocènes de l'Italie septentrionale.
Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem
ser. 2, 3(2): 1-408, 17 pls
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2019-06-01 13:05:01Z
2020-09-04 13:34:43Z
2023-04-05 15:55:38Z

Borsonia prima Bellardi, 1839 † (additional source)
Bulla brocchii Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Atys brocchii (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Cancellaria bellardii Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Cardium taurinum Michelotti, 1870 † (original description)
Cassis bellardii Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Cerithium bruguieri Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Triphora bruguieri (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Cerithium elongatum Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Cerithium fimbriatum Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Fimbriatella fimbriata (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Cerithium klipsteini Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Gourmya tuberosa (Grateloup, 1845) † (original description)
Cleodora calandrelli Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Ireneia calandrelli (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Cleodora testudinaria Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Ireneia testudinaria (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Columbella klipsteini Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Conus allioni Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Conilithes allioni (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Conus berghausi Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Conus bredai Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Conus bronnii Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Conus discors Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Conus elatus Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Conus gastaldii Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Conus oblitus Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Conilithes allioni (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Conus oboesus Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Conus ornatus Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Conus puschi Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Conus elatus Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Conus wheatleyi Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Crassatella carcarensis Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Cypraea amygdalum var. subexcisa Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Eocypraea subexcisa (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Cypraea genei Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Loxacypraea genei (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Cypraea haveri Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Delphinula bellardii Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Pseudonina bellardii (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Fasciolaria fusoidea Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Latirus fusoideus (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Fusus armatus Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Euthria puschii (Andrzejowski, 1830) † (original description)
Fusus bronnii Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Dolicholatirus bronnii (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Fusus carcarensis Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Fusimorio carcarensis (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Fusus klipsteini Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Clavilithes klipsteini (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Fusus philippi Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Dianthiphos philippi (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Fusus renieri Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Ocinebrina renieri (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Fusus villai Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Attiliosa villai (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Gamopleura taurinensis (Michelotti, 1847) † (additional source)
Helix haveri Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Tropidomphalus (Pseudochloritis) haveri (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Hinnites defrancii Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Talochlamys brussonii (de Serres, 1829) † (original description)
Hipponix interruptus Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Hyalaea taurinensis Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Gamopleura taurinensis (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Marginella deshayesi Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Marginella marginata Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Stazzania marginata (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Marginella taurinensis Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Simplicoglabella taurinensis (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Melania brocchii Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Ptychomelania brocchii (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Mitra bronni Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Mitra elegans Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Tosapusia cupressina (Brocchi, 1814) † (original description)
Mitra michaudi Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Mitra miocenica Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Mitra sismondai Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Cancilla sismondai (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Murex borsoni Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Bolinus submuticus (Grateloup, 1845) † (original description)
Murex porulosus Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Favartia absona (De Cristofori & Jan, 1832) † (original description)
Mytilus oblitus Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Septifer oblitus (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Nassa basteroti Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Tritia basteroti (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Nassa bowerbanki Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Nassa haveri Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Duplicata haueri (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Nassa miocenica Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Cyllenina ancillariaeformis (Grateloup, 1834) † (original description)
Nassa multisulcata Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Nassa pseudoclathrata Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Nassa subquadrangularis Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Natica redempta Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Polinices redemptus (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Parmophorus bellardii Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Scutus bellardii (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Patella polygona Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Siphonaria polygona (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Pecten haveri Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Pecten haueri Michelotti, 1847 accepted as Costellamussiopecten haueri (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Pecten oblitus Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Costellamussiopecten northamptonii (Michelotti, 1839) † (original description)
Pecten revolutus Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Oppenheimopecten revolutus (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Phorus deshayesi Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Xenophora deshayesi (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Pileopsis bredai Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Cheilea bredai (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Pleurotoma lamarckii Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Kantoria lamarckii (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Pleurotoma sotterii Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Granulatocincta sotterii (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Purpura fusiformis Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Taurasia subfusiformis (A. d'Orbigny, 1852) † (original description)
Pyrula acutissima Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Mayeria acutissima (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Pyrula granifera Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Coralliophila granifera (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Ranella bronni Michelotti, 1847 accepted as Ranella olearium (Linnaeus, 1758) (original description)
Ranella incerta Michelotti, 1847 accepted as Ranella olearium (Linnaeus, 1758) (original description)
Ranella miocenica Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Ranella olearium (Linnaeus, 1758) (original description)
Sigaretus michaudi Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Sigaretotrema michaudi (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Solarium deshayesii Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Ammotectonica deshayesii (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Spondylus deshayesi Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Spondylus gaederopus deshayesi Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Terebra neglecta Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Triton deshayesi Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Metula deshayesi (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Triton miocenicum Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Colubraria miocenica (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Triton parvulum Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Cymatiella tritonea (Grateloup, 1845) † (original description)
Triton varians Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Monostiolum varians (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Trochus rotellaris Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Paroxystele rotellaris (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Turbinella allioni Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Peristernia allioni (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Turbinella bellardii Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Polygona bellardii (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Turbinella coarctata Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Dolicholatirus coarctatus (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Turbinella crassa Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Polygona crassa (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Turbinella crassicostata Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Turbo meynardi Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Bolma meynardi (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
Turbo speciosus Michelotti, 1847 † (original description)
Venus craverii Michelotti, 1847 † accepted as Taurotapes craverii (Michelotti, 1847) † (original description)
France for Dolicholatirus coarctatus (Michelotti, 1847) † 
France for Nassa basteroti Michelotti, 1847 † 
France for Phorus deshayesi Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Cerithium bruguieri Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Cerithium elongatum Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Cerithium fimbriatum Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Cerithium klipsteini Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Cleodora calandrelli Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Cleodora testudinaria Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Columbella klipsteini Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Conus bredai Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Conus bronnii Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Conus discors Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Conus gastaldii Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Conus oboesus Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Conus ornatus Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Conus puschi Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Conus wheatleyi Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Cypraea genei Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Cypraea haveri Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Delphinula bellardii Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Fasciolaria fusoidea Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Fusus bronnii Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Fusus klipsteini Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Fusus renieri Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Fusus villai Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Helix haveri Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Hinnites defrancii Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Hyalaea taurinensis Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Melania brocchii Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Mitra bronni Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Mitra elegans Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Mitra michaudi Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Mitra miocenica Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Murex borsoni Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Murex porulosus Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Nassa basteroti Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Nassa bowerbanki Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Nassa haveri Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Nassa miocenica Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Nassa multisulcata Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Nassa pseudoclathrata Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Nassa subquadrangularis Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Natica redempta Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Parmophorus bellardii Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Pecten revolutus Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Phorus deshayesi Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Pleurotoma sotterii Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Purpura fusiformis Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Purpura subfusiformis A. d'Orbigny, 1852 † 
Italy for Pyrula acutissima Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Spondylus deshayesi Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Terebra neglecta Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Triton miocenicum Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Triton parvulum Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Trochus rotellaris Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Turbinella allioni Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Turbinella coarctata Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Turbinella crassa Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Turbinella crassicostata Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Turbo meynardi Michelotti, 1847 † 
Italy for Turbo speciosus Michelotti, 1847 † 

Authorship referred to Sismonda, but Sismonda (1842) did not list that name [details]


Invalid: junior homonym of Mitra bronni Michelotti, 1847 [details]

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