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Turritella angulata J. De C. Sowerby, 1840 †

1486394  (



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  1. Subspecies Turritella angulata minor Locard, 1889 † (uncertain > unassessed)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
fossil only
Sowerby, J. De C. (1840). Systematic list of organic remains, the plants determined by Mr. John Morris, and the remainder by Mr. James de Carl Sowerby. [Appendix to: C.W. Grant, Memoir to illustrate a geological map of Cutch]. <em>Transactions of the Geological Society of London.</em> ser. 2, 5: 327-329, pls 21-26., available online at
page(s): p. 328, Expl. pl. 26, fig. 7. [details] 
MolluscaBase eds. (2024). MolluscaBase. Turritella angulata J. de C. Sowerby, 1840 †. Accessed through: Marine Species Traits editorial board (2024) Marine Species Traits at: on 2025-03-11
Marine Species Traits editorial board (2025). Marine Species Traits. Turritella angulata J. De C. Sowerby, 1840 †. Accessed at: on 2025-03-11
2021-02-28 09:58:49Z
2022-08-30 05:50:42Z

original description Sowerby, J. De C. (1840). Systematic list of organic remains, the plants determined by Mr. John Morris, and the remainder by Mr. James de Carl Sowerby. [Appendix to: C.W. Grant, Memoir to illustrate a geological map of Cutch]. <em>Transactions of the Geological Society of London.</em> ser. 2, 5: 327-329, pls 21-26., available online at
page(s): p. 328, Expl. pl. 26, fig. 7. [details] 

additional source Bellardi, L. (1854). Catalogo ragionato dei fossili Nummulitici d'Egitto della raccolta del Regio Museo Mineralogico di Torino. <em>Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Serie II.</em> 15: 171-204., available online at
page(s): p. 175, n. 11. [details] 

additional source Cossmann, M. (1912). Essais de paléoconchologie comparée. Neuvième livraison. Paris, The author and J. Lamarre & Cie. 215 pp., 10 pls. , available online at
page(s): p. 117-118. [details] 

additional source Michailovskij, G. P. (1912). On some new or rare shells from the Tertiary sediments of northern shore of the Aral Sea [O nekotorykh novykh ili redkikh rakovinakh iz Tretichnykh otlozhenii severnogo poberezh'ya Aralskogo morya]. <em>“Protokoly Obtschestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Yurievskom Universitete” = Sitzungsberichte der Naturforscher-Gesellschaft bei der Universitaet Jurjew (Dorpat).</em> Volume 21, parts 1-2, pp. 120-138, 1 pl.
page(s): p. 125, n. 7. [details] 

additional source Harzhauser, M., Reuter, M., Piller, W. E., Berning, B., Kroh, A. & Mandic, O. (2009). Oligocene and Early Miocene gastropods from Kutch (NW India) document an early biogeographic switch from Western Tethys to Indo-Pacific. <em>Palaeontologische Zeitschrift.</em> 83: 333-372. [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Beadnell, H.J.L. 1905. The topography and geology of the Fayum Province of Egypt. National Printing Department, Cairo., available online at
page(s): p. 60. [details] 

additional source Mayer-Eymar K. (1883). Die Versteinerungen der tertiären Schichten von der westlichen Insel im Birket-el-Qurùn-See. <em>Paleontographica.</em> 30(5-6): 67-78.
page(s): p. 73, n. 11. [details] 

additional source Mayer [Mayer-Eymar], K. (1902). Liste der nummulitischen Turritelliden Egyptens auf der geologischen Sammlung in Zürich. <em>Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich.</em> Volume 47, pp. 385-392, pl. 22., available online at
page(s): p. 387-388. [details] 

additional source Martin, K. (1879-1880). <i>Die Tertiärschichten auf Java, nach den Entdeckungen von Fr. Junghuhn.</i> Leiden: Brill. [Paleontologischer Theil, 1–126 (1879); 127–164, i–vi (plate captions) (1880); Allgemeiner Theil, 1–51 (1880); Anhang, 1–6 (1880); Title page and Vorwort, i–ix, [xi] (1880); pls. 1–28 and map (1880?)].
page(s): p. 68, pl. 12, fig. 2. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Noetling, F. (1901). Fauna of the Miocene beds of Burma. <em>Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, Palaeontologia Indica, new series.</em> 1(3):1-378, 25 pls.
page(s): p. 272, pl. 18, figs 13, 14, 15, 15a. [details] 

additional source Abich, H. (1858) Beiträge zur Paläontogie des Asiatischen Russlands. Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint Petersbourg, série 6, Sciences Mathématiques, Physiques et Naturelles, 7, 537–577, 8 pls.
page(s): p. 560-561, pl. 1, fig. 4 [details] 

additional source Cossmann, M. & Pissarro, G. (1909) The Mollusca of the Ranikot Series. Part 1.-Cephalopoda and Gastropoda. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, Palaeontologia Indica, new series, 3, xix + 1–83,8 pls.
page(s): p. 59-60, pl. 6, figs 3-5. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Martin, K. (1919) Unsere palaeozoologische Kenntnis von Java mit einleitenden Bemerkungen über die Geologie der Insel. Beilage Band zu Sammlungen des Geologischen Reichs-Museums in Leiden. E.J. Brill, Leiden, xi + 158 pp., 4 pls.
page(s): p. 95. [details] 

additional source Vredenburg, E. (1921c) Results of a revision of some portions of Dr. Noetling's second monograph on the Tertiary fauna of Burma. Records of the Geological Survey of India, 51, 224–302.
page(s): p. 267, 292. [details] 

additional source Vredenburg, E. (1922a) Notes on the marine fossils collected by Mr. Pinfold in the Garo Hills. Records of the Geological Survey of India, 51, 303–330, pls. 7–9.
page(s): p. 315-316. [details] 

additional source Orbigny, A. D. d'. (1852). <i>Prodrome de paléontologie stratigraphique universelle des animaux mollusques et rayonnés, faisant suite au cours élémentaire de paléontologie et de géologie stratigraphiques</i>. vol. 3: 189 pp. + unpaginated erratum and table of contents. Paris: Masson. , available online at
page(s): p. 33, n. 461. [details] 

additional source Archiac d', E. J. A. D. & Haime, J. (1853-1854). <i>Description des animaux fossiles du groupe nummulitique de l'Inde : précédée d'un résumé géologique et d'une monographie des nummulites.</i>. Livraison 1 [May 1853]: i-ix, 1-223, pls 1-15; livraison 2 [1854]: 225-373, pls 16-36. Paris: Gide & Baudry. , available online at
page(s): p. 294, pl. 27, figs 6-9. [details] OpenAccess publication

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