MolluscaBase source details
Ott, W., Kadolsky, D., Wiesner, E. (2009). Von einer Lagune zum 'trockenen Kalkhügel': Geologischer Untergrund und Fossilien des Lohwaldes bei Offenbach am Main. Abhandlungen des Offenbacher Vereins für Naturkunde. 10: 113-213.
Ott, W., Kadolsky, D., Wiesner, E.
Von einer Lagune zum 'trockenen Kalkhügel': Geologischer Untergrund und Fossilien des Lohwaldes bei Offenbach am Main
Abhandlungen des Offenbacher Vereins für Naturkunde
10: 113-213
Available for editors

Archaeozonites increscens (Thomä, 1845) † (basis of record)
Clausilia (Eualopia) plionecton O. Boettger, 1877 † accepted as Eualopia bulimoides (A. Braun, 1843) † (source of synonymy)
Cyrena acuta Ludwig, 1861 † accepted as Falsocorbicula faujasii (Deshayes, 1830) † (source of synonymy)
Cyrena extensa Ludwig, 1865 † accepted as Falsocorbicula faujasii (Deshayes, 1830) † (source of synonymy)
Cyrena laevigata Goldfuss, 1837 † accepted as Falsocorbicula faujasii (Deshayes, 1830) † (source of synonymy)
Cyrena polita Goldfuss, 1837 † accepted as Falsocorbicula faujasii (Deshayes, 1830) † (source of synonymy)
Ena hassiaca (Wenz, 1919) † accepted as Ena turgidula (F. Sandberger, 1872) † (basis of record)
Helix kalmitana A. Braun, 1851 † accepted as Praeoestophorella phacodes (Thomä, 1845) † (source of synonymy)
Helix nummulina A. Braun, 1851 † accepted as Praeoestophorella phacodes (Thomä, 1845) † (source of synonymy)
Helix villosella Thomä, 1845 † accepted as Klikia villosella (Thomä, 1845) † (status source)
Hydrobia draparnaldii (Nyst, 1836) † accepted as Tournoueria draparnaldii (Nyst, 1836) † (basis of record)
Hydrobia gibba (A. Braun, 1851) † (basis of record)
Hydrobia obtusa (F. Sandberger, 1858) † (additional source)
Hydrobia obtusa obtusa (F. Sandberger, 1858) † (additional source)
Klikia osculum villosella (Thomä, 1845) † accepted as Klikia villosella (Thomä, 1845) † (status source)
Leucochroopsis crebripunctata (F. Sandberger, 1858) † (basis of record)
Litorinella acuta var. gibba A. Braun, 1851 † accepted as Hydrobia gibba (A. Braun, 1851) † (status source)
Melarhaphe tumida (O. Boettger, 1869) † (basis of record)
Nematurella obtusa (F. Sandberger, 1858) † accepted as Hydrobia obtusa (F. Sandberger, 1858) † (basis of record)
Neritina hassiaca (Wenz, 1919) † accepted as Theodoxus subangularis (F. Sandberger, 1860) † (source of synonymy)
Neritina pachyderma F. Sandberger, 1875 † accepted as Nerita minor F. Sandberger, 1861 † (basis of record)
Neritina squamulifera F. Sandberger, 1872 † (basis of record)
Neritina subangularis F. Sandberger, 1860 † accepted as Theodoxus subangularis (F. Sandberger, 1860) † (basis of record)
Poiretia (Pseudoleacina) bickhardti (O. Boettger, 1896) † accepted as Spiraxis bickhardti O. Boettger, 1896 † (status source)
Polymesoda distorta (Ludwig, 1865) † (basis of record)
Polymesoda subarata sowerbii (Basterot, 1825) † accepted as Polymesoda convexa (Brongniart, 1822) † (basis of record)
Polymesoda visenoviensis Kadolsky, 1989 † (basis of record)
Pseudamnicola wiegmanni "Boettger" † (basis of record)
Pseudoleacina subsulcosa (Thomä, 1845) † (basis of record)
Spiraxis bickhardti O. Boettger, 1896 † (status source)
Theodoxis hassiaca Wenz, 1919 † accepted as Neritina subangularis F. Sandberger, 1860 † accepted as Theodoxus subangularis (F. Sandberger, 1860) † (source of synonymy)
Theodoxus (Theodoxus) hassiacus Wenz, 1919 † accepted as Theodoxus subangularis (F. Sandberger, 1860) † (source of synonymy)
Theodoxus (Vittoclithon) squamuliferus (F. Sandberger, 1872) † accepted as Neritina squamulifera F. Sandberger, 1872 † (status source)
Theodoxus (Vittoclithon) subangularis (F. Sandberger, 1860) † accepted as Theodoxus subangularis (F. Sandberger, 1860) † (status source)
Clausilia (Eualopia) plionecton O. Boettger, 1877 † accepted as Eualopia bulimoides (A. Braun, 1843) † (source of synonymy)
Cyrena acuta Ludwig, 1861 † accepted as Falsocorbicula faujasii (Deshayes, 1830) † (source of synonymy)
Cyrena extensa Ludwig, 1865 † accepted as Falsocorbicula faujasii (Deshayes, 1830) † (source of synonymy)
Cyrena laevigata Goldfuss, 1837 † accepted as Falsocorbicula faujasii (Deshayes, 1830) † (source of synonymy)
Cyrena polita Goldfuss, 1837 † accepted as Falsocorbicula faujasii (Deshayes, 1830) † (source of synonymy)
Ena hassiaca (Wenz, 1919) † accepted as Ena turgidula (F. Sandberger, 1872) † (basis of record)
Helix kalmitana A. Braun, 1851 † accepted as Praeoestophorella phacodes (Thomä, 1845) † (source of synonymy)
Helix nummulina A. Braun, 1851 † accepted as Praeoestophorella phacodes (Thomä, 1845) † (source of synonymy)
Helix villosella Thomä, 1845 † accepted as Klikia villosella (Thomä, 1845) † (status source)
Hydrobia draparnaldii (Nyst, 1836) † accepted as Tournoueria draparnaldii (Nyst, 1836) † (basis of record)
Hydrobia gibba (A. Braun, 1851) † (basis of record)
Hydrobia obtusa (F. Sandberger, 1858) † (additional source)
Hydrobia obtusa obtusa (F. Sandberger, 1858) † (additional source)
Klikia osculum villosella (Thomä, 1845) † accepted as Klikia villosella (Thomä, 1845) † (status source)
Leucochroopsis crebripunctata (F. Sandberger, 1858) † (basis of record)
Litorinella acuta var. gibba A. Braun, 1851 † accepted as Hydrobia gibba (A. Braun, 1851) † (status source)
Melarhaphe tumida (O. Boettger, 1869) † (basis of record)
Nematurella obtusa (F. Sandberger, 1858) † accepted as Hydrobia obtusa (F. Sandberger, 1858) † (basis of record)
Neritina hassiaca (Wenz, 1919) † accepted as Theodoxus subangularis (F. Sandberger, 1860) † (source of synonymy)
Neritina pachyderma F. Sandberger, 1875 † accepted as Nerita minor F. Sandberger, 1861 † (basis of record)
Neritina squamulifera F. Sandberger, 1872 † (basis of record)
Neritina subangularis F. Sandberger, 1860 † accepted as Theodoxus subangularis (F. Sandberger, 1860) † (basis of record)
Poiretia (Pseudoleacina) bickhardti (O. Boettger, 1896) † accepted as Spiraxis bickhardti O. Boettger, 1896 † (status source)
Polymesoda distorta (Ludwig, 1865) † (basis of record)
Polymesoda subarata sowerbii (Basterot, 1825) † accepted as Polymesoda convexa (Brongniart, 1822) † (basis of record)
Polymesoda visenoviensis Kadolsky, 1989 † (basis of record)
Pseudamnicola wiegmanni "Boettger" † (basis of record)
Pseudoleacina subsulcosa (Thomä, 1845) † (basis of record)
Spiraxis bickhardti O. Boettger, 1896 † (status source)
Theodoxis hassiaca Wenz, 1919 † accepted as Neritina subangularis F. Sandberger, 1860 † accepted as Theodoxus subangularis (F. Sandberger, 1860) † (source of synonymy)
Theodoxus (Theodoxus) hassiacus Wenz, 1919 † accepted as Theodoxus subangularis (F. Sandberger, 1860) † (source of synonymy)
Theodoxus (Vittoclithon) squamuliferus (F. Sandberger, 1872) † accepted as Neritina squamulifera F. Sandberger, 1872 † (status source)
Theodoxus (Vittoclithon) subangularis (F. Sandberger, 1860) † accepted as Theodoxus subangularis (F. Sandberger, 1860) † (status source)