MolluscaBase source details
Bronn, H. G. (1848–1849). Index Palaeontologicus oder Übersicht der
bis Jetzt Bekannten Fossilen Organismen, bearbeitet unter Mitwirkung
der Herren Prof. H. R. Göppert and Herm. v. Meyer, bearbeitet von
Dr. H. G. Bronn. A. Nomenclator Palaeontologicus, in Alphabetischer
Ordnung [two halves, each in a separate volume]. Schweizerbart. Stuttgart. Erste Hälfte. 1848: A–M [i–lxxxiv + p. 1–775, reprinted without change in 1849; Zweite Hälfte. N–Z [p. 776–1381, 1848, reprinted without change in 1849. 1849: B. Enumerator Palaeontologicus: Systematische Zusammenstellung und Geologische Entwickelungs-Gesetze der Organischen Reiche, p. 1–1106.
Bronn, H. G.
Index Palaeontologicus oder Übersicht der
bis Jetzt Bekannten Fossilen Organismen, bearbeitet unter Mitwirkung
der Herren Prof. H. R. Göppert and Herm. v. Meyer, bearbeitet von
Dr. H. G. Bronn. A. Nomenclator Palaeontologicus, in Alphabetischer
Ordnung [two halves, each in a separate volume]
Schweizerbart. Stuttgart. Erste Hälfte. 1848: A–M [i–lxxxiv + p. 1–775, reprinted without change in 1849; Zweite Hälfte. N–Z [p. 776–1381, 1848, reprinted without change in 1849. 1849: B. Enumerator Palaeontologicus: Systematische Zusammenstellung und Geologische Entwickelungs-Gesetze der Organischen Reiche, p. 1–1106.
Acteon globosus (Bronn, 1831) † (basis of record)
Belemnites ungiluformis Schlotheim, 1820 † accepted as Belemnites ungulatus Schlotheim, 1820 † accepted as Belemnites biforatus Schlotheim, 1813 † (basis of record)
Cardita rhomboidea (Brocchi, 1814) accepted as Cardites antiquatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (basis of record)
Cyrena striata Galleoti † accepted as Cyrena semistriata Deshayes, 1830 † accepted as Polymesoda convexa (Brongniart, 1822) † (basis of record)
Eulima quadristriata (R. A. Philippi, 1841) † accepted as Acirsa (Acirsella) quadristriata (R. A. Philippi, 1841) † represented as Acirsa quadristriata (R. A. Philippi, 1841) † (basis of record)
Harpidae Bronn, 1849 (original description)
Helicites viviparoides † accepted as Viviparus hammeri (Defrance, 1825) † (additional source)
Melanopsis praerosa var. conica Bronn, 1848 † accepted as Melanopsis antidiluviana (Poiret, 1801) † (original description)
Myophoriidae Bronn, 1849 † (original description)
Paludina viviparoides Bronn, 1848 † accepted as Viviparus hammeri (Defrance, 1825) † (original description)
Pecten albinus Reuss, 1844 † accepted as Pecten acuminatus Geinitz, 1842 † accepted as Chlamys subacuta (Lamarck, 1819) † (source of synonymy)
Pecten complicatus Goldfuss, 1833 † accepted as Pectinites irregularis Schlotheim, 1813 † (source of synonymy)
Pecten elegans Reuss, 1844 † accepted as Neithea striatocostata (Goldfuss, 1833) † (source of synonymy)
Protocardiinae Bronn, 1849 † (original description)
Typhis cuniculosus (Nyst, 1836) † accepted as Lyrotyphis cuniculosus (Nyst, 1836) † (basis of record)
Belemnites ungiluformis Schlotheim, 1820 † accepted as Belemnites ungulatus Schlotheim, 1820 † accepted as Belemnites biforatus Schlotheim, 1813 † (basis of record)
Cardita rhomboidea (Brocchi, 1814) accepted as Cardites antiquatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (basis of record)
Cyrena striata Galleoti † accepted as Cyrena semistriata Deshayes, 1830 † accepted as Polymesoda convexa (Brongniart, 1822) † (basis of record)
Eulima quadristriata (R. A. Philippi, 1841) † accepted as Acirsa (Acirsella) quadristriata (R. A. Philippi, 1841) † represented as Acirsa quadristriata (R. A. Philippi, 1841) † (basis of record)
Harpidae Bronn, 1849 (original description)
Helicites viviparoides † accepted as Viviparus hammeri (Defrance, 1825) † (additional source)
Melanopsis praerosa var. conica Bronn, 1848 † accepted as Melanopsis antidiluviana (Poiret, 1801) † (original description)
Myophoriidae Bronn, 1849 † (original description)
Paludina viviparoides Bronn, 1848 † accepted as Viviparus hammeri (Defrance, 1825) † (original description)
Pecten albinus Reuss, 1844 † accepted as Pecten acuminatus Geinitz, 1842 † accepted as Chlamys subacuta (Lamarck, 1819) † (source of synonymy)
Pecten complicatus Goldfuss, 1833 † accepted as Pectinites irregularis Schlotheim, 1813 † (source of synonymy)
Pecten elegans Reuss, 1844 † accepted as Neithea striatocostata (Goldfuss, 1833) † (source of synonymy)
Protocardiinae Bronn, 1849 † (original description)
Typhis cuniculosus (Nyst, 1836) † accepted as Lyrotyphis cuniculosus (Nyst, 1836) † (basis of record)