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Maderni, U.N. (1974). Stratigrafiya kontinental'nogo kaynozoya Turgayskogo progiba i smezhnykh regionov (na osnove izucheniya presnovodnykh mollyuskov) [Stratigraphy of the continental Cenozoic of the Turgay basin and contiguous regions (on the basis of studying freshwater molluscs)]. Trudy Vsesoyuznogo ordela Lenina nauchno-issledovatel'skogo geologicheskogo instituta, novaya seriya. 218: 1-115.
Maderni, U.N. (1974). Stratigrafiya kontinental'nogo kaynozoya Turgayskogo progiba i smezhnykh regionov (na osnove izucheniya presnovodnykh mollyuskov) [Stratigraphy of the continental Cenozoic of the Turgay basin and contiguous regions (on the basis of studying freshwater molluscs)]. Trudy Vsesoyuznogo ordela Lenina nauchno-issledovatel'skogo geologicheskogo instituta, novaya seriya. 218: 1-115.