MolluscaBase source details
Szőts, E. (1956). Magyarország eocén (paleogén) képződményei. Rétegtani és ősföldrajzi tanulmány [Eocene (Paleogene) formations of Hungary. A study of stratigraphy and paleogeography]. Geologica Hungarica, Series Geologica. 9: 1–249.
Szőts, E.
Magyarország eocén (paleogén) képződményei. Rétegtani és ősföldrajzi tanulmány [Eocene (Paleogene) formations of Hungary. A study of stratigraphy and paleogeography]
Geologica Hungarica, Series Geologica
9: 1–249
Available for editors

Cyrena baylei Bayan, 1870 † accepted as Corbicula baylei (Bayan, 1870) † (additional source)
Dreissena oppenheimi (Taeger, 1908) † (basis of record)
Spondylus buchi var. frauscheri Toniolo, 1909 † accepted as Spondylus buchi [sic] † accepted as Spondylus buchii R. A. Philippi, 1846 † (additional source)
Turritella doroghensis Rozlozsnik † accepted as Turritella doroghensis Kecskeméti-Körmendy, 1972 † (basis of record)
Turritella tokodensis Hantken † accepted as Haustator tokodensis (Strausz, 1966) † (basis of record)
Volutilithes subspinosus (Brongniart, 1823) † (basis of record)
Dreissena oppenheimi (Taeger, 1908) † (basis of record)
Spondylus buchi var. frauscheri Toniolo, 1909 † accepted as Spondylus buchi [sic] † accepted as Spondylus buchii R. A. Philippi, 1846 † (additional source)
Turritella doroghensis Rozlozsnik † accepted as Turritella doroghensis Kecskeméti-Körmendy, 1972 † (basis of record)
Turritella tokodensis Hantken † accepted as Haustator tokodensis (Strausz, 1966) † (basis of record)
Volutilithes subspinosus (Brongniart, 1823) † (basis of record)